
We have 2 German shepherds. A 3 year old and a 2 year old. The 3 year old was getting several ticks a day. The younger one a few ticks every week. We spend up to 6 hours a day, every day in the woods. It was a nightmare. Frontline didn’t work, and we constantly worried because when they play, they grab the backs of the other ones neck. I didn’t want them ingesting it. At wits end, and not believing for a minute this would work, we went ahead and ordered it with a “whatever” attitude. Max, the oldest, has had exactly 2 ticks in over 3 weeks. Boone, none. This stuff works! It smells great too…which makes wet dog smell not an issue! For the health of the environment and especially my dogs, I would promote this tick repellant anywhere and everywhere I can…which I do.
It really, really works!

— Marlene M., Hartland, VT

I have two boys. I sprayed one and did not spray the other. They both walked the woods like they normally do, the one that did not have the spray on had 6 ticks on him when he returned and the one that did have the spray on had NONE! So then I sprayed both of them and they walked the same woods.
Both came back tick-FREE! Awesome stuff!!

— Angi S, Ludoun County, VA

Love love love this product! As a landscaper and avid outdoors woman i am constantly looking for anything to safeguard me, my family and pets from nasty ticks. Other products I’ve used either smelled pretty but didn’t work or worked ok but smelled terrible. This product not only smells terrific but is nearly 100% effective is keeping those horrible little pests far away. I recommend this to everyone!

— Melissa L., Pawlet, VT

This repellent is amazing! We’ve been using on the dog for about two weeks and no ticks since! Love it!

— Sandy P, East Dorset, VT

This stuff is amazing!!! We used it on Martha’s vineyard where our two black labs collect tons of ticks. Neither of my dogs had one tick attached to them the five days we were there. I can’t believe how well it works- and it smells fantastic!!!!

— Rachel R., Martha’s Vineyard

Was so tired of picking ticks off my retriever. Two and three a day.

10 days into the spray and I’m tick free. Thank You!

— Darin S., Danby, VT

My dad went fishing today with his friend. My dad used Green Mountain Tick Repellent and had no ticks when he came home, but his friend used another spray and came home with 2 ticks! Be sure to get yours. Really works!

— Makayla S., Dorset, VT

Green Mtn Tick Repellent is wonderful. My husband and son have been using it Turkey hunting , NO TICKS!! Love it. Thank You!!

— Mary S., Manchester, VT

Green mountain tick repellent works great. I brought the dogs for a walk in Bradley Palmer State Park. A walk good for 10-20 ticks per dog. Nada! Zero ticks.

— Pete W., Essex, MA

I used the spray while scouting for this upcoming deer season and I must say it did wonders to keep the ticks at bay.

— Jesse B, Hoosick Falls, NY

“We live in NC & have 2 dogs who have about 2 acres of woods fenced in for them behind our house. Although we use tick meds (Bravecto now), we have pulled 3 or more ticks a day at times off of them. Since we started using the Green Mountain spray we rarely see a tick on them unless I let them out without spray. Same for we humans – always get ticks when I work in the garden areas or walk in woods with the dogs. Spray keeps ticks off us, too. This stuff works!”

A customer in CT bought some and reported back that she took her dog to “tick heaven” to play. She had the GMTR on but the other dog did not (dog had that injection) — after the play session, she had NO ticks and the other dog had 6 !!

— Jim, CT

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